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Spirituality is a very complicated meaning of religious beliefs over various connotations. The general college student and student athletes have a lot of stresses and duties that they perform on a daily basis. This can be very harsh on their bodies and they need to have ways to expel any extra pain and stressors through different methods of body awareness and bliss. For all college students including athletes, they can have the pleasure of performing spirituality care of all types of issues. Whether that may be from an injury or a personal trauma. Spirituality is there for an extra bit of help when people need it.

Spirituality: Intro


1. Gracious People that are gracious have expressed gratitude and are associated with numerous positive emotions.
2. Compassionate People have overall more compassion for others and try to spread that to people throughout the world.
3. They Flourish They have a higher purpose in life and try to have positive relationships and be optimistic.
4. Self - actualize These people are trying to strive for a better life to get them to grow as a person. Their focus on internal values to become a better person.
5. Savor life Allowing to see the small things in life and gain a better understanding to reflect on their experiences. Spiritual people are experiencing positive emotions associated with the smaller things in life.

Image by David Rodrigo
Spirituality: Welcome
Holy Bible


Spiritual intelligence is the combination of intelligence, which is the ability to solve problems of meaning and values of life. Spiritual intelligence is the center of development for dialogue between reason and emotion. Spiritual Intelligence can apply spiritual resources, values, and qualities to enhance the everyday functions of life. 

Mental health can play a big role in a student's life. The overall wellbeing and mental state can be disrupted by everyday stressors of school. “Results show that there is a significant relationship between spiritual intelligence and happiness” (Pg.4, Pant). Having a higher mental health score is a distinct predictor for positive mental health in students. Having Spirituality indicates better experiences for both males and females in all aspects of schools. Spirituality and Mental health are significantly related among students, both male and female. 

Mental health and spirituality are interlinked as they both play a role for students everywhere. One without the other is generally fine. However the benefits of Spirituality can improve daily happiness and overall performance pertaining to personal improvements.

Spirituality: About My Project



McKnight, C. M., & Livingston, J. (2019). Spiritual care perspective of college student-athletes. Journal of Religion and Health, 58(6), 1938-1952. doi:10.1007/s10943-018-0675-2
Pant, N., & Srivastava, S. K. (2019). The impact of spiritual intelligence, gender and educational background on mental health among college students. Journal of Religion and Health, 58(1), 87-108. doi:10.1007/s10943-017-0529-3

Spirituality: Citations
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